More than an organic plantation
We are creating a cacao forest in Nicaragua that contributes to reforestation of cleared land and shall provide an important basis for life for people and animals.
​With our project we want to support people, who live in this region. They can benefit from our idea and learn how they can live in harmony with nature and counteract the destruction of their own environment through responsible actions.
Indispensable forest
Intact forests are important to mankind. Still, deforestation is threatening more and more forest areas all around the world. Forest provides shade, is cooling in summer and warming in winter. Forests store water, purify the air and produce the oxygen that keeps all creatures alive.
Forest gives life!
Food Forest – edible woods
A forest cannot only consist of wooden trees. So-called agroforestry systems combine agriculture and forestry: Various cultivated plants, wood and fruit trees are planted together in such a way that a diverse ecosystem is created. It should not only provide a habitat for plants and animals, but at the same time create a basis for life for its human inhabitants.
Nature as a role model
For us, cocoa is the heart of the forest, because cocoa trees grow best in symbiosis with other trees and without the use of chemicals. We rely exclusively on organic and sustainable techniques with the aim of establishing permanently functioning, natural cycles. But every now and then we have to give our forest a helping hand.
In our agroforestry system in Nicaragua, native trees such as madero negro, ceiba, cenizero and roble not only naturally provide nutrients for the cacao trees but also keep pests away. Bananas, pears, avocado, rambutan, cinnamon, cashew and many local useful and medicinal plants provide people and animals with plenty of food all year round. In this way, a biodiverse forest system is created with many ecological niches, which also provides a habitat for a diverse range of wildlife.
A quick compost is created here using the Bokashi principle - a new technique for Daniel and Chontales.
"In a society, where future plans don't have space, there is a need for a living example of how you can shape the future sustainably with your present actions ."
––––––– Susanne Woda, founder of "We love Cacao"
Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share
Regardless of whether it is called an “agroforestry system”, “food forest” or “permaculture” – it always starts with the same idea: living in sync with nature, rather than at its expense.
But a sustainable idea must also include the society living in the environment. It's not just the careful treatment of the earth as the source of all life ("Earth Care") that counts, but also the people who live on it ("People Care") and the fair distribution of the proceeds ("Fair Share"). These basic principles of permaculture are also the cornerstones of our world view and a prerequisite for a rethink in society.
The project is intended to contribute to the well-being of the society in which we live. We want to show people from the region that it is possible to create added value from nature without destroying it. This ideology should be passed on to as many as possible: workers, neighbors, residents of neighboring communities and visitors. That's why we work with local cooperatives and allow residents of the region to participate in our work both intellectually and economically. In implementing our reforestation, we received support from "Sano y Salvo", an association of farmers committed to organic agriculture and food forests. The chocolate that we send as gifts is processed from the bean to the end product ("bean-to-bar") by the cocoa cooperative "COSEMUCRIM" in Sabalos. In this way, we create important added value for the population in the region.